Saturday, April 16, 2011

gang rape in Canada

                     It has happened again. a group of guys took turns raping a helpless 16 year old girl while a group of bystanders not only just watched. they also took photos and videos. this time it happened in canada. what is it about the pack mentality that tells guys that rape is ok if i'm not the only one doing it? And why is the victem the first person they try to blame? what happened to taking responsibility for one's own actions? I don't like the fact that i live in a world that doesn't allow an innocent girl to go to a party without being at risk of becoming the entertainment of the night as if rape is now a spectator's sport. every punk involved in the assualt should be put in prison for at least 30 years.

2nd hand lions

                   The movie second hand lions was on. in it is an old lion that is more docile than not mostly due to old age. sometimes i feel that way. like an old lion missing the past while waiting for the enevitable. my biggest problem is I feel i'm stuck in place. i can't go foreward, and there is no going back. the mind is said to be a wonderous thing. yet i've yet to experience anything so wonderous. maybe when i'm older or when i'm in the beyond.

Friday, April 15, 2011


I am amazed of how long jeopardy has survived on tv. you would think a show that makes the average joe feel stupid because they don't know the answer wouldn't last long on the airways. yet it is still plugging on.

rape of a child

             I can't understand how those people in texas can possibly believe an 11 year old girl would want to have sex with 19 guys. rape is rape! and an 11 year old is not going to desire sex! it is possible that out of couriosity she conscented at first with the first guy but once it hurt, and the first time would for an 11 year old, she would of objected. even during the act of conscented sex the word no ends the conscent. and in this case the girl couldn't legally say yes. man up and face what you did guys. i don't want to hear anymore blaming the victem! it doesn't matter how mature you say she looked. there is no way she could of possibly looked 18!! man up. do your time and leave the poor girl alone. bunch of pedophiles!!


I have a lost blog. Its a good blog full of my opinions,but no one can find it by searching on the web. not even me. I tried on 17 occasions using different words phrases and even the blog's full name. so more than likely no one will ever read any part of my blog. so what good is it? 

Thursday, April 14, 2011

The budget?

                                  President Obama is going to come out with his version of America's budget,but can we call it a budget when we are continuosly over spending? exactly how much debt can this country amass before we say enough? And what about China? they hold the note. If they finally decide America isn't going to pay up do they just cut us off, or do they foreclose on the country. If they do foreclose do we all have to move out? And if so where do we go? does that last part sound stupid to you? I hope it does. because I think remaining in debt to anyone is wrong. we need to do away with the national debt. even if we have to have collection boxes on every street corner. paying down the national debt is not easy, but it's been done before. most recently it was done by Clinton. the so called balanced budget admendment is ignored. there is one way to help balance the budget. do away with the loopholes for the rich and major corporations. It's just not right that most of us are paying in yet some are paying little to nothing. whatever the solution we need to implement it as of yesturday!!
He might have to be a jedi to get things done!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

ghosts in your computer

                              Are there ghosts in your computer? the answer is yes. if you go online and do an image search. you will have many images within the free space of your computer. the reason is as you switch to the next page the previous page is erased,but not actually gone. these images don't go to your recycling bin. they end up within the free space of your computer yet your computer will not show them there. to find these images you would need a program called a ressurector, or an undeleter. after running such a program choose the restore option for jpeg files that are in "very good" condition. you could end up with a folder with thousands of images. this will include many images you don't remember ever seeing. beware a search with the filter setting off will put porn images on your computer within the free space region. this ghosting phenomenom has been blamed by accused child porn defendants for the prescence of child porn in the "erased" state,on thier computer's hard drive. As an experiment take a new computer fresh out of the box. hook it up to the net. do a typical mundane search for images. leaving the filter setting on moderate and search for images like dog,cat,kittens,or puppies. Once you have gone through at least 1000 images on your search. go back offline. wait ten minutes. turn off the computer(shutting it down properly) wait at least one hour. turn the computer back on and run the undelete program. restoring images on the same computer you will still get around 40 successfully restored images. sending the restored images to another computer(like police forensic does) your amount of images ressurected will be increased. remember these will be temporary internet files that was never downloaded on the computer. so its possible for a person that has never downloaded anything to have porn on thier hard drive. and its possible for a person that has browsed through porn image searches without ever downloading anything to have illegal porn on thier computer. A set of ghosts that can come back to haunt you!!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

computer crashes + viruses

is it to much to ask for a computer that always does what it is supposed to do without crashing,or dragging. and why do they have to be vulnerable to viruses,malware,spyware,and the like? i may be old to say this but i miss the day when the only problem i had on my computer was a typing error caused a problem with my program. I would like to shake the hand of the person that can solve all of the foremetioned problems! it is understood that computers are cheap because of mass production,but would it not be more profitable to take the time to develope a completely well working system? I'd be in line to get one!!!


               when you get into blogging you are offered a chance to have sponscers. they ask for a lot of information and want access to a large part of your life. but if you don't have an official count of at least 300 thousand followers they don't want to bother with you. granted it makes sense for them to want a minimal audiaunce, but most blog readers don't sign in ,join, nor make comments. they are as ghosts traveling across the landscape that is the internet. I have no need of sponscers. I blog just to have a voice.

Governor Rick Scott

what is the governor thinking? First he sold planes he had no business selling. then he cut he wants to drug test people on welfare at their expense as if they could afford it. he wants to prohibit the use of food stamps to buy "junk food". its as if he is calling all poor people lazy, overweight,drug users.and that is not right. He killed light rail. a project we the people voted for. a 2.4 billion dollar project that would have produced construction jobs across central Florida,and would of created permanent job positions across the state. now he wants to deepen some of Florida's ports and hope more, and bigger ships come in. does that sound right to you?  He cut the sure thing and now wants us to gamble on ghost ships! Florida it might be time to recall Governor Rick Scott!