Thursday, April 14, 2011

The budget?

                                  President Obama is going to come out with his version of America's budget,but can we call it a budget when we are continuosly over spending? exactly how much debt can this country amass before we say enough? And what about China? they hold the note. If they finally decide America isn't going to pay up do they just cut us off, or do they foreclose on the country. If they do foreclose do we all have to move out? And if so where do we go? does that last part sound stupid to you? I hope it does. because I think remaining in debt to anyone is wrong. we need to do away with the national debt. even if we have to have collection boxes on every street corner. paying down the national debt is not easy, but it's been done before. most recently it was done by Clinton. the so called balanced budget admendment is ignored. there is one way to help balance the budget. do away with the loopholes for the rich and major corporations. It's just not right that most of us are paying in yet some are paying little to nothing. whatever the solution we need to implement it as of yesturday!!
He might have to be a jedi to get things done!

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